The term hardware describes the physical aspects of computers and related devices. A utility software is actually a kind of computer software which is designed to help in management and tuning of computer hardware, operating system and application software. Utility software is a program that provides services to the users in simple words. Utilities are sometimes also installed as memoryresident programs. Utility software helps the user to control, manage, and maintain a computer s operating system, hardware and application software. System software can be designed as the software in such a way so that it can control and work with computer hardware. If a virus is detected, the computer displays a warning asking what action should be done, often giving the options to quarantine, remove, ignore, or move the file to the vault. Alternatively referred to as antivirus software, avs, antivir, or av. Operating systems contain a number of utilities for managing disk drives, printers, and other devices utilities differ from applications mostly in terms of size, complexity and function. Using this utility, you will see a curated list of available updates for your identified intel products. A utility program is a type of system software that assists users with controlling or maintaining the operation of a computer, its devices, or its software. Utility software definition of utility software by the free. Definition of utility programs utility programs have many other names and get known as either a service, utility software or just as system software. Utility programs, commonly referred to as just utilities, are software programs that add functionality to your computer or help your computer perform better.
Utility software usually focuses on how the computer infrastructure that includes computer hardware, application software, operating system and data storage. System software is a type of computer program that is designed to run a computers hardware and application programs. Utility software systems software ocr gcse computer. Get the proper support for your identified intel products. Usually, a utility is smaller than a standard program in size and may be included with an operating system or installed separately. A single piece of utility software is normally described as utility or tool. The main purpose of utility software is computer security, with the help of antivirus systems, spywares and firewalls.
A computerbased program that is designed to perform some tasks grouped together. However, utilities often form part of application systems. It acts as an interface between the device and the end user. Utility software dictionary definition utility software defined. Backup software are computer programs used to perform a backup. In computing, a utility is a program or module which is used to give a generalpurpose result, for many different uses. Utility software, today, is among the most efficient and major types of software available to the industry and hence, its use has increased tremendously over the years. If we think of the computer system as a layered model, the system software is the interface between the hardware and user applications.
Secondly, disk organization, in the form of disk formatting, file transfer, defragmentation. Dec 31, 2010 a kind of system software which is designed to help you configure, optimize, analyze and maintain the computer is known as utility software. Utility computing is the process of providing computing service through an ondemand, payperuse billing method. Utility software, often referred as utility is a system software that is designed to help analyze, configure, optimize or maintain a computer and enhance the computers performance. The print utility that comes with the operating system is an example. Difference between system software and utility programs. These programs are designed to perform specific functions like finding files, backing up data, playing multimedia files, viewing images and so on.
What is software computer software, is a kind of programs that enable a user to perform some specific task or used to operate a computer. A single piece of utility software is normally described as. Like other types of ondemand computing such as grid computing, the utility model seeks to maximize the. Utility software definition of utility software by the. Utility software usually focuses on how the computer infrastructure operates. Utility definition the tech terms computer dictionary.
What is software computer software, is a kind of programs that enable a user to perform some specific task or used to operate a finition of software type of software software has mainly divided into two categories. Jun 27, 2018 system utility is a system software designed to help analyze configure optimize or maintain your system. Utility software is a system that helps set up, analyze, strengthen and maintain a computer. Utility computing is a service provisioning model in which a service provider makes computing resources and infrastructure management available to the customer as needed, and charges them for specific usage rather than a flat rate. Computer software is programming code executed on a computer processor. Many utilities could be considered as part of the system software, which. It is used to support the computer infrastructure in contrast to application software, which is aimed at directly performing tasks that benefit ordinary users. This article will help explain the terms usually used in networking such as driver, firmware, hardware, software and utility. A program that aims to perform specific tasks that help in making the device work better.
Its not absolutely required to run programs and, if it didnt come with the operating system, you could perhaps add utility software definition sponsored by, powered by. Difference between application software and utility programs. Utility software usually focuses on how the computer. These programs may later use the supplementary copies to restore the original contents in the event of data loss. However, utilities often form part of the application systems. Utilities can also be applications such as screensavers, font and icon tools. A program that performs a specific task related to the management of computer functions, resources, or files, as password protection, memory management, virus protection, and file compression. Backup software enables the creation of an exact duplicate of computer files that can be used for restoring the original files in case of file corruption, accidentalintentional deletion or. Defining the terms driver, firmware, hardware, software. Utility software helps to manage, maintain and control computer resources. A utility or software utility is computer system software intended to analyze, configure, monitor, or help maintain a computer. It performs a single task or a number of small tasks. Backup software is any application that enables the backup of files, folders, documents, software data, most data types and the computer server as a whole. For example, a utility program may handle computer files or guard against computer viruses.
In some usages, a utility is a special and nonessential part of the operating system. Utility software definition and meaning collins english. An antivirus program is a software utility designed to protect your computer or network against computer viruses. A type of system software used to solve a particular problem of a user called a utility program. Utility program definition, system software used to perform standard operations, as sorting data or copying data from one file to another, for application programs or other system software. Utility software is system software designed to help analyze, configure, optimize or maintain a computer. Utility programs are used for the management of computer systems and also perform maintenance types tasks. Dec 29, 2017 a utility or software utility is computer system software intended to analyze, configure, monitor, or help maintain a computer.
The code can be machinelevel code, or code written for an operating system. The system software which is stored on non volatile memory is known as firmware. A utility or software utility is computer system software intended to. Operating systems typically contain the necessary tools for this, but separate utility programs can provide improved. Utility program definition of utility program by the free.
A pc tuneup utility is an application that digs deep into your computer and fixes trouble areas. Provides personalized, integrated system support for your intel products. Computer dictionary definition of what utility means, including related links. A program that performs a very specific task, usually related to managing system resources. Utility definition is fitness for some purpose or worth to some end. Antivirus, backup software, file manager, disk compression tool all are utility software. For example, word processors, spreadsheet programs, and database.
Backup software is any application that enables the backup of files, folders, documents, software data, most data types and the computerserver as a whole. A kind of system software which is designed to help you configure, optimize, analyze and maintain the computer is known as utility software. For example, word processors, spreadsheet programs, and database applications are considered applications because. It is a program that performs a specific task, which is usually related to managing the system resources. Computers, adapter cards and ethernet cables are examples. Data backup software is an application used to create a duplicate copy of data to safeguard it and enable recovery in the event it is lost, corrupted or infected by malware. Utilities can also be applications such as screensavers, font and icon tools, and. Utility software simple english wikipedia, the free. Operating systems typically contain the necessary tools for this, but separate utility. What is software type of software definition of software. Utility software is software designed to help to analyze, configure, optimize or maintain a computer. Utility software article about utility software by the. Basic utility programs include filefolder management copy, move, etc.
Utility software helps the user to control, manage, and maintain a computers operating system, hardware and application software. The code can be machinelevel code, or code written for an. Software definition is something used or associated with and usually contrasted with hardware. A program that performs a specific task related to the management of computer functions, resources, or files, as password protection, memory management. It also provides the platform for the running of other softwares. Utility definition and meaning collins english dictionary.
In computers, a utility is a small program that provides an addition to the capabilities provided by the operating system. Jun 02, 2017 utility computing is the process of providing computing service through an ondemand, payperuse billing method. A utility is intended for a wide range of users, rather than an app application program which might be intended to serve a specific purpose for specific users. Utility program dictionary definition utility program. Software is a broad term for the programs running on hardware. Utility program dictionary definition utility program defined.
Utility software synonyms, utility software pronunciation, utility software translation, english dictionary definition of utility software. Below is a list of many different utility program categories. Utility computer science article about utility computer. Utility software white papers web utilities, utilities.
These include antivirus, backup, disk repair, file management, security, and networking programs. Basics of computers utility software tutorialspoint. Utility software dictionary definition utility software. It detects a virus and notify the user and take action to secure the computer. Difference between system software and utility programs is that system software serves as the interface between the user, the application software, and the computers hardware. Utility programs have many other names and get known as either a service, utility software or just as system software. It performs several functions, including defragmenting your pcs hard drive, repairing the. Thirdly, system cleanup, which includes regular updating of software, system cleanup tools etc. Utility program definition of utility program by the.
Defragmentation is the process of locating the noncontiguous fragments of data into which a computer file may be divided as it is stored on a hard disk, and rearranging the fragments and restoring them into fewer fragments or into the whole file. These software are focused on how os works on that basis it perform task to enable. Software is a general term for the various kinds of program s used to operate computer s and related devices. Due to this focus, utilities are often rather technical and targeted at people with an advanced level of computer knowledge. Operating systems provide this control, while utilities help to maintain the system. Some of popular utility software are described below antivirus. It is used to support the computer infrastructure in contrast to.
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